Bill’s Itinerary:

“Never has a group gone through such lengths to reach the public and bring it nothing.” -Albert Gleizes

  1. Coffee ……………………………………………………..... done

*play this record slowly .............................. in progress

11 am: Meeting with the fountainhead

confirm the water is still yellow…………………...... done

yours or mine? ............................................... in progress

are ya on day six? .................................. not yet started

  1. Pick mushrooms in Mombay park …………….. done

or on day three? ........................................................ done

4 pm: High tea served without the hats;

but with the tinfoil

at Day Street Market …………..…… delayed departure

or maybe ya resubscribed? ………….... not yet started

yer kewl ………………………........................……………. done

  1. Pass along a grin ……………………….…….. in progress

  1. Play with chalk ……………………………...... in progress

7 pm: Bike ride ……………………………………………. done

*chili for dinner tonight …………………..... arriving early

9 pm: Draft a letter to your brother

Tell him it’s all nonsense

Cut the letter up

Put it in a bag

Shake gently

Mail it to the vulgar herd ……………………….….. on time

  1. Find the chalk

Mail it to R. Mutt …………………………….. delayed arrival

*buy more almond milk ………………....not yet started

11 pm: Finish reading the shampoo bottle...

                                                                      ...not yet started