Bill’s Itinerary:
“Never has a group gone through such lengths to reach the public and bring it nothing.” -Albert Gleizes
- Coffee ……………………………………………………..... done
*play this record slowly .............................. in progress
11 am: Meeting with the fountainhead
confirm the water is still yellow…………………...... done
yours or mine? ............................................... in progress
are ya on day six? .................................. not yet started
- Pick mushrooms in Mombay park …………….. done
or on day three? ........................................................ done
4 pm: High tea served without the hats;
but with the tinfoil
at Day Street Market …………..…… delayed departure
or maybe ya resubscribed? ………….... not yet started
yer kewl ………………………........................……………. done
- Pass along a grin ……………………….…….. in progress
- Play with chalk ……………………………...... in progress
7 pm: Bike ride ……………………………………………. done
*chili for dinner tonight …………………..... arriving early
9 pm: Draft a letter to your brother
Tell him it’s all nonsense
Cut the letter up
Put it in a bag
Shake gently
Mail it to the vulgar herd ……………………….….. on time
- Find the chalk
Mail it to R. Mutt …………………………….. delayed arrival
*buy more almond milk ………………....not yet started
11 pm: Finish reading the shampoo bottle...
...not yet started